Cosmetics, quasi-drugs, toiletry products are essential items in human daily life. To protect consumers of these products, different analytical methods including chromatography are used to analyze their ingredients, control their quality and ensure their safety.




Aromatic Component


  • Fragrance Flavor : Fragrances, such as food fragrances and cosmetics, may be associated with or calm to the taste of the flavor. Gas chromatography is useful for flavor analysis, and this product is useful for your research.
  • Off-flavor : Compare to a good odor, the human being is sensitive to bad odors.
    People are said to feel more bad or bad odors than a good odor. Gas chromatography is useful for the analysis of off flavor and bad odors in quality control.





  •  Cosmetics (Including Cosmetics for Pharmaceuticals) : Chromatographic methods are useful for research and quality control for cosmetic beauty! GL Sciences support to develop new products and ensure the safety of cosmetics by providing knowledge on chromatography.
  •  Quasi-drugs and Designated Quasi-drugs : Chromatographic methods are useful in the research and quality control of products containing toothpaste or the active ingredient in hair coloring agents.
  •  Nutrition : The new food labeling system (Japan) came into effect on April 1, 2017, raising interest in the analysis of ingredients target to food labeling. We provide information on the analysis of nutrients and functional components centered on chromatography.
  • Veterinary Drugs : Extracts of veterinary drugs are sometimes difficult to process with mini-columns due to the large number of suspended and viscous samples. Processing the sample with a cachectic mini-column not only increases the risk of operating errors, but also may deteriorate the recovery rate for unstable ingredients. InertSep provides not only fillers equivalent to the test method, but also mini-columns with improved permeability.