Two methods for connecting sample gas collected using a sampling bag to an aldehyde collection cartridge or a heat desorption collection tube are described.
Two methods for connecting sample gas collected using a sampling bag to an aldehyde collection cartridge or a heat desorption collection tube are described.
This is an example of connecting a sleeve with an O.D. of 6 mm (Φ6) of a sampler bag to a heat-desorption collection tube AERO TD Tube with an outer diameter of 6 mm. Use the Reducing Union of the Conversion PTFE Joint required to connect a tube with an outer diameter of 6 mm to an O.D. of 1/8 inch. Use the same reducing Union as above to connect a collection tube with an O.D. of 6 mm to the connected tube of 1/8 inch.
InertSep mini AERO Series
Sampling Bag